We Planned a Murder is Now Available!
One Murder. Five Suspects. And One of Them Is Next.
““I just sent you an article from the Austin American-Statesman,” Finch advised me. “It’s dated Sunday, August sixteenth, the day after Hardcastle died. In it you’ll learn they found the dear doctor sprawled out in a chair in his office with cuts on his wrists. It looked like a suicide. The police thought it a homicide. The coroner didn’t have the balls to call it either way. The truth is it was a good ol’ fashioned murder.””
On the verge of wasting his life in the crooked Texas town of Ten Spot, 17-year old Nacho Blanco meets Zadie Abernathy and sets out to prove her innocence in the murder of the local psychiatrist. Nacho wants nothing more than to brush the dust of his two-bit hometown from his life and finding the murderer of Lincoln Hardcastle might be just the ticket to punch his future elsewhere. Solving the mystery means he'll have to play both ends against the middle, representing the beauty who is counting on him to save her life, and the conspiracy that wants to end it. But when his friend is attacked, and with his own future on the line, Nacho must learn that the secret to happiness is going all in no matter the costs as he determines to find the murderer before he, or she, kills again.
The Reviews Are In!
The joys of high school. The friends. The teachers. The assignments. The practices. The football games. The murders. Oh, yes, especially the murders.
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We Planned a Murder
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So how did We Planned a Murder come about?
Click below to read some of the "Behind the Scene” moments that turned a children’s picture book into a YA about sex, drugs, and murder
“Think of the Children, Dear.”
What happens when a man decides to kill his wife on date night? That’s exactly what one husband had up his sleeve when he decided to kill the mother of his children during one of their weekly date nights. All it takes is a little bit of planning to pull off the perfect murder. Or does it? You’ll find Derek’s “Think of the Children” and ten other wonderful short stories full of crime and mischief in Malice in Dallas, the first anthology of short stories by the North Dallas chapter of Sisters in Crime.